Humanities Awards & Scholarships

In-Course Awards

In-Course Awards

In-Course Awards recognize the achievements of current undergraduate students returning to studies for the following year. Some awards are determined on the basis of academic merit, while others also require students to submit supplementary documentation (e.g. resume, reference letter) in order to be considered.


Some awards are open to students across the university, while others are intended for students studying a specific discipline. One award may be looking at a student’s overall academic performance and extracurricular activities, while another may looking at the grades in only one specific course. In addition to basic eligibility criteria to hold awards, specific terms can vary greatly, so it is important to look at the specific conditions in the award descriptions.


If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact Annamaria Skrtic.


View the full list of awards, academic regulations and conditions for eligibility to receive in-course awards.



How to Apply

Applications open on January 1 and close in April.


All In-Course awards require completion of the common application in AwardSpring. Some require an additional application and supporting documentation. Detailed information can be found on the Aid and Awards website.

Scholarships and Bursaries